1. You need to register on our site. Click button "Sign In".

2. Enter your email and click button "Create an account".

3. Enter your First name, Last name, password and click button "Register".

4. After registration click button "Add my first address".

5. Enter your Address, Zip/Postal code, City, Phone number and click button "Save".

6. Check your address. Very important to enter the correct zip code so that the site calculates the correct shipping cost.

7. Open the catalog and select the product you need. Click on this product.

8. Check item information and click button "Add to cart". 

9. To place an order, click "Proceed to checkout".

10. Check all data and click "Proceed to checkout".

11. Check your address and click "Proceed to checkout".

12. Check delivery cost and click "Proceed to checkout".

13. For payment click "Pay with your card or your PayPal account".

14. Log in and Pay for the order.