Superseded Part Number:
2121-3103020, 21213-3103020
Wheel hub bearing front - full set on one side
consists of 7 Parts:
2x wheel bearing, 2x seals, 2x ring, 1x the end of the shaft
The set includes ALL (!) the necessary details is enough for one side!
Model: LADA Niva 1500, 1600, 1700 cm3
Item number: 21210-3101800-86 or 21213-3103020-kit
consists of:
2121-3103020, 2121-3103034, 2121-3103038 and 14044171
Scope of delivery: purchase 1 Qty = 1 set, 7 Pieces
Superseded Part Number:
2121-3103020, 21213-3103020